November 16, 2017

#33 SPECIAL EPISODE– Rob Albertson on “What QUANT can’t do”

Rob Albertson covers his session, “What QUANT can’t do”, at Social Media Week Chicago 2017.

As a Creative Consultancy, Bandwidth Marketing Group creates robust, clever concepts, that blossom, via touch points, to best address consumer context and encourage engagement. In other words — we live each day at the nexus of Qual and Quant.

Chosen tactics and context can be aided or driven by data. But the insight, concept and engagement can be unpredictable or often looked at through a warping, quantitative lens.

Our digital age relies heavily on data, and this session will highlight events in which that myopia has had a negative result. We’ll also poke around notions to not only watch out for that ‘bias’ toward quant, but also uncover and understand ways in which we can look for the qual in our messaging and approaches. Data can be powerful. But a story sticks. And BOTH are more open to interpretation than one might think.

If you’d like to learn more about the presentation email